
Sewing Machine
Fabric Ideas
The Sewing Accessories page contains sewing craft project ideas, clothing patterns, and other homemade sewing gift and hobby ideas. Just added to the Sewing Labels Page is a new brand of sewing labels for your handmade sewing project from my affiliate. These new labels let you add your name to the label you like or the name of the person you are gifting one of these clothing labels. Just click on Sewing Labels at the top of this page, and select one of the new sewing labels with the blue denim background. Next select Personalize This Template to add a name, you can also select the style and shape of the clothing label you want.
Fabric Ideas
The Sewing Accessories page contains sewing craft project ideas, clothing patterns, and other homemade sewing gift and hobby ideas. Just added to the Sewing Labels Page is a new brand of sewing labels for your handmade sewing project from my affiliate. These new labels let you add your name to the label you like or the name of the person you are gifting one of these clothing labels. Just click on Sewing Labels at the top of this page, and select one of the new sewing labels with the blue denim background. Next select Personalize This Template to add a name, you can also select the style and shape of the clothing label you want.